Do you offer online tutoring?

Yes! Find our list of experts in your instrument here!


I’m having trouble setting up my account. Who should I ask for help?

We have web support here!


I’d like additional mentor lessons. Can I get more?

Sure! Follow this link to our Mentor portal for more information!


What are the Levels?

How do levels work?

Our applied music sequence is based on and correlates with, the ABRSM graded system.  These grades (which we call levels in this course) are designed to establish proficiency benchmarks for students who are studying an instrument from beginning to advanced ability.

What is ABRSM?

The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music), established in 1889, is an examination board based in the United Kingdom.   It is accredited by the UK's National Qualifications Framework.

How do I know what to practice to move up to another level?

Once your level is determined, you will work with your mentor to choose 4 solo works from the ABRSM-suggested repertoire for your instrument/level.  ABRSM publishes three lists: A, B, and C for each instrument level.  You (and your mentor or instructor) will guide you on how to make your choices from each of the 3 lists (A, B, C).  You will also choose one additional solo, which can be from any of the three lists - or another work that you would like to study that is not on these lists.  You should also plan to study a certain number of technical exercises.  ABRSM guidelines suggest scales for each level, which are a good place to start.