To begin, select your level then choose one of the tabs/sections for more information.

Our applied music sequence is based on, and correlates with, the ABRSM Graded system. These grades (which we call levels in this course) are designed to establish proficency benchmarks for students who are studying an instrument from beginning to advanced ability.
ABRSM provides two certification tracks for applied study, Performance Grade or Practical Grade. In our Applied Music, we follow the guidelines that will prepare you for ABRSM Performance Grade Certification.
In our Applied Music course, a student may ‘Level Up’ after demonstrating proficiency in their 4 solos (with additional scale evaluation if required by their mentor or local instructor).
A student may be certified by the ABRSM board at each grade (level) once they have successfully passed the exam. Students in our Applied Music course are not required to obtain ABRSM certification – but we encourage you to do so, if you wish!
The Performance Grade Certification exam asks a candidate to prepare 4 solos for evaluation for each ABRSM grade (applied level). The list of required solos for each level is linked through our practice sessions and can also be found on the ABRSM Website. Please use the most current lists. Performance exams for ABRSM certification may be submitted online.
You may also notice reference to the Practical Grade Certification exam on the ABRSM site. The Practical exam is more comprehensive and includes evaluation of solo performance, scales, sight reading, music theory, and ear training. If you are interested in certification in the Practical Grade track, we recommend you consult your mentor and local instructor for additional materials to augment your training and consider enrollment in a Music Fundamentals or Music Theory course at your institution. Practical exams for ABRSM certification must be evaluated in person.
Go to 'Sessions' to watch and play along with the three ‘First Steps’ sessions. Stop the videos. Repeat as many times as you wish. Come back to them later. Practice the concepts in these videos until you feel comfortable and can reasonably do the exercises without difficulty, then you will be ready to move on to pieces for Level 1.
Use the Discussion Forum and the Weekly Sessions Log
You are not alone! Having difficulties or questions? Participate in the weekly discussions within your course. Please log all practice sessions as part of your overall grade and progress.
Music Mentors
We will provide you with access to music mentors. You will have eight (8) 30-minute virtual lessons with your mentor throughout the semester. Choose and meet with your Music Mentor during the first or second week of class to schedule your virtual lessons for the term and choose your repertoire for your level. Generally, students will stay with the same mentor for the term, however you may change mentors at any time, if you wish.
The Video Music Library
As you advance in your studies, you will begin to work on specific parts of your technique. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc. You will find some suggestions for Level 1 warm-up and technical exercises in the Video Library (and many more on the sessions tab). Try as many as you like - and choose a few to return to on a regular basis.
You will also find trombone solos and ensembles, brass choirs, masterclasses, motivational videos, and more in the Video Library
At Level 1, we recommend at least two (2) practice sessions a week of comprehensive warm-ups and technique in addition to your work on your level repertoire.
Practice Session 1: First Steps
You will learn:
  • To assemble, disassemble, and hold the Trombone
  • How to make your first sounds
  • How to find your first slide positions
Practice Session 2: First Steps (30 Min)
You will learn:
  • How to find your first two pitches, Bb and F
  • How to begin a pitch with your tongue
  • How to move between pitches using your slide and tongue
  • How to find and move through 5 pitches on the trombone: F, Eb, D, C, Bb
Practice Session 3
Congratulations! You have mastered the first 2 lessons in ‘First Steps’!
In session 3 you will:
  • Play notated music from Essential Elements 2000, Book 1 for Trombone.
  • If you can play the Essential Elements 2000 exercises through #149, you will be ready to work on all of your solo and scale materials for leveling up.
Practice Sessions 4-7 are based on the ABRSM Solo List. Work with your mentor to choose your solos, then rotate your practice of these sessions until you are ready to Level Up.
Practice Session 4
You will practice:
  • Solo A (use the ABRSM to pick a solo)
  • A Mouthpiece Buzzing Exercise
  • A Long Tone Exercise
  • Scales and Arpeggios (as in Practice Session 7)/li>
Practice Session 5
You will practice:
  • Solo B (use the ABRSM list to pick a solo)
  • A Tonguing Exercise
  • A Flexibility Exercise
  • Scales and Arpeggios (as in Practice Session 7)
Practice Session 6
You will practice:
  • Solo C (use the ABRSM list to pick a solo)
  • A Breathing Exercise
  • A Range Exercise
  • Scales and Arpeggios (as in Practice Session 7)
Practice Session 7
You will practice:
  • Solo D (may be selected from any category of the ABRSM List or another solo of your choice)
  • A Breathing Exercise
  • A Range Exercise
  • A Warm-up
  • A Breathing and Embouchure Discussion
  • A Tonguing and Articulation Discussion
  • Scales and Arpeggios
  • How fast or slow you work is up to you as this course is structured to move at your rate.
  • Work sequentially. Play exercises, starting with #1, until you have difficulties.
  • Every practice session, play a few exercises (songs you liked) from pages you’ve completed. This will help you become more and more accurate – and is a great way to review everything you’ve learned. Match your sound and speed to the videos. Play some of the duets. Memorize a few songs and play for a friend. Enjoy playing your instrument!
  • Show everyone what you can do by loading up a video to chat/forum (directions on how to do that here). You’ll find the trombone community exceptionally supportive and helpful. There’s nothing we love more than a new trombone player posting their first attempts with the instrument. Plus, you’ll get lots of help and encouragement and high-fives!
  • When you have trouble solving a difficulty:
    • mark that exercise so you remember at your next practice session
    • isolate the spot that is causing some difficulty – practice that spot slowly many times
    • if you can move on, do so. You won’t always fix everything in every exercise. Continue to play new exercises and review old ones. Continue to come back to the places you’ve marked and think about how you might do it differently
    • ask for help in chat/forum from other students and teachers or by email with your local instructor or as a topic in one of your mentor sessions
    • when you get tired, or it’s no longer feeling like fun, stop. Rest. Return another time. ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day!’ – and so it goes with playing an instrument.
Note: Select the 'Sessions' tab to choose your session and begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
  • Slide Position Chart
  • Tuner
  • Metronome
  • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
  • Music Stand
  • Suggested Apps
    • TonalEnergy Tuner and Metronome This app can listen to your instrument and let you know what pitch you are playing. It will also provide a metronome sound to help you practice your scales and other exercises.
    • Speedshifter This app is a practice tool from ABRSM that allows you to vary the speed of audio without altering the pitch. It is helpful in practicing solo material that has accompaniment at slower speeds.
To progress to level 2, you will need to show proficiency on ABRSM Trombone Level 1 list for Solo A, Solo B, Solo C, and Solo D (performers choice).
Work with your mentor to choose one solo from the list provided. You will find the information for Level 1 solos in the Sessions tab practice sessions 4, 5, 6, and 7.
ABRSM Level 1 Solos:
    Bass clef (if you are playing bass clef trombone)
    SCALES (I octave tongued)
    • Bb major = 44 bpm
    • G minor (natural or harmonic or melodic) = 44
    • Bb major = 56 bpm
    • G minor = 56 bpm
    Treble Clef (if you are playing treble clef trombone)
    SCALES (I octave tongued)
    • C major = 44 bpm
    • A minor (natural or harmonic or melodic) = 44
    • C major = 56 bpm
    • A minor = 56 bpm
Ready to level up?
Instructions on how to submit your Level Up video is in your course syllabus. Levelling Up may be determined by your local instructor or by your mentor (with the approval of your local instructor).
Solos A, B, C, and D
Level 1: Choose from the list: ABRSM Trombone Level 1 list
Additional Resources:
Our applied music sequence is based on, and correlates with, the ABRSM Graded system. These grades (which we call levels in this course) are designed to establish proficency benchmarks for students who are studying an instrument from beginning to advanced ability.
ABRSM provides two certification tracks for applied study, Performance Grade or Practical Grade. In our Applied Music, we generally follow the guidelines that will prepare you for ABRSM Performance Grade Certification..
In our Applied Music course, a student may ‘Level Up’ after demonstrating proficiency in their 4 solos (with additional scale evaluation if required by their mentor or local instructor).
A student may be certified by the ABRSM board at each grade (level) once they have successfully passed the exam. Students in our Applied Music course are not required to obtain ABRSM certification – but we encourage you to do so, if you wish!
The Performance Grade Certification exam asks a candidate to prepare 4 solos for evaluation for each ABRSM grade (applied level). The list of required solos for each level is linked through our practice sessions and can also be found on the ABRSM Website. Please use the most current lists. Performance exams for ABRSM certification may be submitted online.
You may also notice reference to the Practical Grade Certification exam on the ABRSM site. The Practical exam is more comprehensive and includes evaluation of solo performance, scales, sight reading, music theory, and ear training. If you are interested in certification in the Practical Grade track, we recommend you consult your mentor and local instructor for additional materials to augment your training and consider enrollment in a Music Fundamentals or Music Theory course at your institution. Practical exams for ABRSM certification must be evaluated in person.
Go to 'Sessions' to watch and play along with the three ‘First Steps’ sessions. Stop the videos. Repeat as many times as you wish. Come back to them later. Practice the concepts in these videos until you feel comfortable and can reasonably do the exercises without difficulty, then you will be ready to move on to pieces for Level 1.
Use the Discussion Forum and Journal log weekly
You are not alone! Having difficulties or questions, participate in the weekly discussions within your course.
Music Mentors
We will provide you with access to music mentors. You will have eight (8) 30-minute virtual lessons with your mentor throughout the semester. Choose and meet with your Music Mentor during the first or second week of class to schedule your virtual lessons for the term and choose your repertoire for your level. Generally, students will stay with the same mentor for the term, however you may change mentors at any time, if you wish.
The Video Music Library
As you advance in your studies, you will begin to work on specific parts of your technique. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc. You will find some suggestions for Level 1 warm-up and technical exercises in the Video Library (and many more on the sessions tab). Try as many as you like - and choose a few to return to on a regular basis.
You will also find trombone solos and ensembles, brass choirs, masterclasses, motivational videos, and more in the Video Library
At Level 1, we recommend at least two (2) practice sessions a week of comprehensive warm-ups and technique in addition to your work on your level repertoire.
  • You will learn about meter in 6/8 time.
  • You will begin to encounter different key signatures.
  • You will begin to expand your range and work for accuracy as you move between partials. Here's a video on what a partial is and a fun practice exercise using a gliss. The gliss is the smear technique that you can use while moving from one note to another on the same partial. We are pretty sure that you've already played many glisses (as that is somewhat the defining feature of the slide trombone). But, if perhaps you are a trombone player who never has - tongue a beginning note on your trombone in first position and extend the slide to 6th position. Keep your air moving and your lips buzzing. Make it very smeary. Now do the same thing starting on a note in 6th position and gliss to first (contract the slide this time). See if you can stay on the same partial while doing so.
  • What's related to the gliss on the trombone, but not as smeary? Playing with legato articulation! The gliss is fun - but what if you'd like to play a beautiful connected melody? Use a legato tongue! Try using the syllable 'du' instead of 'tu' to start the note.
  • You'll need to move your slide quickly and coordinate with your tongue. It takes practice. Soon you will be able to play beautiful, connected melodic lines.
Practice Session 1
Review Elements 2000, Book 1 for Trombone
Practice Session 2
You will:
  • Practice required scales and arpeggios for level 2
  • Practice Solo A: Choose a solo from the ABRSM list
Practice Session 3
You will:
  • Practice required scales and arpeggios for level 2.
  • Practice Solo B: Choose a solo from the ABRSM list
Practice Session 4
You will:
  • Practice required scales and arpeggios for level 2
  • Practice Solo C: Choose a solo from the ABRSM list
Practice Session 5
You will:
  • Practice a comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 6
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 7
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:.
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab to choose your session and begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
To progress to level 3, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Solos (all may be found in Shining Brass, Book 1, ABRSM):
  • Solo A: A Walk in the Rain - David A. Stowell
  • Solo B: Hangin' with Monti - Tom Davoren
  • Solo C: High Street - David A. Stowell
  • 1 octave C major scale = 48 bpm
  • 1 octave Ab major harmonic scale = 48 bpm
  • 1 octave C minor harmonic scale = 48 bpm
  • 1 octave D minor harmonic scale = 48 bpm
  • 1 octave C major arpeggio = 72 bpm
  • 1 octave Ab major arpeggio = 72 bpm
  • 1 octave C minor arpeggio = 72 bpm
  • 1 octave D minor arpeggio = 72 bpm
Ready to level up?
Information on how to submit your Level Up video is in your learning management system
You will need to purchase or download the following books:
Solos for Level 2 Evaluation
  • LIST A: A Walk in the Rain David A. Stowelln
  • LIST B: Hangin' with Monti Tom Davoren
  • LIST C: High Street Philip Sparke
Additional Materials
Our applied music sequence is based on, and correlates with, the ABRSM Graded system. These grades (which we call levels in this course) are designed to establish proficency benchmarks for students who are studying an instrument from beginning to advanced ability.
ABRSM provides two certification tracks for applied study, Performance Grade or Practical Grade. In our Applied Music, we generally follow the guidelines that will prepare you for ABRSM Performance Grade Certification..
In our Applied Music course, a student may ‘Level Up’ after demonstrating proficiency in their 4 solos (with additional scale evaluation if required by their mentor or local instructor).
A student may be certified by the ABRSM board at each grade (level) once they have successfully passed the exam. Students in our Applied Music course are not required to obtain ABRSM certification – but we encourage you to do so, if you wish!
The Performance Grade Certification exam asks a candidate to prepare 4 solos for evaluation for each ABRSM grade (applied level). The list of required solos for each level is linked through our practice sessions and can also be found on the ABRSM Website. Please use the most current lists. Performance exams for ABRSM certification may be submitted online.
You may also notice reference to the Practical Grade Certification exam on the ABRSM site. The Practical exam is more comprehensive and includes evaluation of solo performance, scales, sight reading, music theory, and ear training. If you are interested in certification in the Practical Grade track, we recommend you consult your mentor and local instructor for additional materials to augment your training and consider enrollment in a Music Fundamentals or Music Theory course at your institution. Practical exams for ABRSM certification must be evaluated in person.
Go to 'Sessions' to watch and play along with the three ‘First Steps’ sessions. Stop the videos. Repeat as many times as you wish. Come back to them later. Practice the concepts in these videos until you feel comfortable and can reasonably do the exercises without difficulty, then you will be ready to move on to pieces for Level 1.
Use the Discussion Forum and Journal log weekly
You are not alone! Having difficulties or questions, participate in the weekly discussions within your course.
Music Mentors
We will provide you with access to music mentors. You will have eight (8) 30-minute virtual lessons with your mentor throughout the semester. Choose and meet with your Music Mentor during the first or second week of class to schedule your virtual lessons for the term and choose your repertoire for your level. Generally, students will stay with the same mentor for the term, however you may change mentors at any time, if you wish.
The Video Music Library
As you advance in your studies, you will begin to work on specific parts of your technique. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc. You will find some suggestions for Level 1 warm-up and technical exercises in the Video Library (and many more on the sessions tab). Try as many as you like - and choose a few to return to on a regular basis.
You will also find trombone solos and ensembles, brass choirs, masterclasses, motivational videos, and more in the Video Library
At Level 1, we recommend at least two (2) practice sessions a week of comprehensive warm-ups and technique in addition to your work on your level repertoire.
Practice Session 1 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo A: Rondo Olympia - Tom Davoren, Shining Brass, Book 1 (ABRSM)
Practice Session 2 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo B: Broken Dreams - John Frith, Shining Brass, Book 1 (ABRSM)
Practice Session 3 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo C: Summer Sound - Peter Meechan, Shining Brass, Book 1 (ABRSM)
Practice Session 4 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • A comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 5 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 6 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab to choose your session and begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
To progress to level 4, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Solos (all may be found in Shining Brass, Book 1, ABRSM):
  • Solo A: A Rondo Olympia - Tom Davoren
  • Solo B: Broken Dreams - John Frith
  • Solo C: Summer Sound - Peter Meechan
  • 1 octave D major scale = 46 bpm
  • 1 octave Eb major harmonic scale = 56 bpm
  • At the12th Ab major scale = 56 bpm
  • 1 octave G minor harmonic and melodic minor scale = 56 bpm
  • 1 octave D minor harmonic and melodic minor scale = 56 bpm
  • 1 octave C chromatic scale = 56 bpm
  • 1 octave D major arpeggio = 84 bpm/li>
  • 1 octave Eb major arpeggio = 84 bpm
  • At the 12th Ab major arpeggio = 84 bpm
  • 1 octave D minor arpeggio = 84 bpm
  • At the 12th G minor arpeggio = 84 bpm/li>
Ready to level up?
Information on how to submit your Level Up video is in your learning management system
You will need to purchase or download the following books:
Solos for Level 2 Evaluation
  • LIST A: Rondo Olympia Tom Davoren
  • LIST B: Broken Dreams John Frith/li>
  • LIST C: Summer Sound Peter Meechan
Additional Materials
Repeat and practice these lessons as many times as you wish. You may think of many of these videos as ‘work-out’ sessions – rather than lessons that you need to check off. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc.
Ensure to log the sessions and time you spend practicing in your journal for credit toward your five hours of practice with your instrument and five hours of other sessions from the video library
Use the Brass Discussion Forum
You are not alone! Having difficulties or questions? Just want to talk to other like-minded musicians about that cool video you watched? Post questions in the Brass Forum to hear from fellow students and teachers!
Practice Session 1 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo A: Beaufort Allegro - Tom Davoren, Shining Brass, Book 2 (ABRSM)
Practice Session 2 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo B: Way Down South - Peter Meechan, Shining Brass, Book 2 (ABRSM)
Practice Session 3 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo C: Reflections - Peter Meechan, Shining Brass, Book 2 (ABRSM)
Practice Session 4 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • A comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 5 (30 Min
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 6 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab to choose your session and begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
  • Suggested Apps
    • TonalEnergy Tuner and Metronome This app can listen to your instrument and let you know what pitch you are playing. It will also provide a metronome sound to help you practice your scales and other exercises.
    • Speedshifter This app is a practice tool from ABRSM that allows you to vary the speed of audio without altering the pitch. It is helpful in practicing solo material that has accompaniment at slower speeds.
To progress to level 5, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Solos (all may be found in Shining Brass, Book 2, ABRSM):
  • Solo A: A Beaufort Allegro - Tom Davoren pg. 24
  • Solo B: Way Down South - Peter Meechan pg. 29
  • Solo C: Reflections - Peter Meechan pg. 32
Scales and Arpeggios:
From memory, to be played both tongued and with legato tonguing in the following keys:
  • Bass clef: Db major (one octave); E minor (starting an octave above lowest tonic) (one octave) Ab, Bb majors; G minor (a twelfth)
  • Treble clef: Eb major (one octave); F# minor (starting an octave above lowest tonic) (one octave) Bb, C majors; A minor (a twelfth)
Scales: in the above keys (minors in harmonic or melodic form at candidate’s choice)
Chromatic Scale:
  • Bass clef: starting on Eb (one octave)
  • Treble clef: starting on F (one octave)
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated.
  • All may be found in "Scales and Arpeggios for Trombone, Bass Trombone, Baritone and Euphonium Level 4" numbers 4, 20, 25, 50 or 51, 62 or 63, 82, 109, 112, 122, 127, 141, 147)
  • Recommended tempos:
    • quarter note = 63 for major and minor scales, chromatic scales, whole-tone scales, dominant and diminished sevenths.
    • eighth note = 92 for major and minor arpeggios
Ready to level up?
Information on how to submit your Level Up video is in your learning management system
You will need to purchase or download the following books:
Solos for Level 4 Evaluation
  • Solo A: A Beaufort Allegro - Tom Davoren pg. 24
  • Solo B: Way Down South - Peter Meechan pg. 29
  • Solo C: Reflections - Peter Meechan pg. 32
Additional Materials
Repeat and practice these lessons as many times as you wish. You may think of many of these videos as ‘work-out’ sessions – rather than lessons that you need to check off. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc.
Ensure to log the sessions and time you spend practicing in your journal for credit toward your five hours of practice with your instrument and five hours of other sessions from the video library
Practice Session 1 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo A: Canzona - John Frith, Shining Brass, Book 2 (ABRSM) pg. 34
Practice Session 2 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo B: Final Thought - Peter Meechan, Shining Brass, Book 2 (ABRSM) pg. 36
Practice Session 3 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo C: Air - Peter Meechan, Shining Brass, Book 2 (ABRSM) pg. 40
Practice Session 4 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • A comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 5 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 6 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab or any of the session links to begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
  • Suggested Apps
    • TonalEnergy Tuner and Metronome This app can listen to your instrument and let you know what pitch you are playing. It will also provide a metronome sound to help you practice your scales and other exercises.
    • Speedshifter This app is a practice tool from ABRSM that allows you to vary the speed of audio without altering the pitch. It is helpful in practicing solo material that has accompaniment at slower speeds.
To progress to level 6, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Solos (all may be found in Shining Brass, Book 2, ABRSM):
  • Solo A: A Canzona - John Frith
  • Solo B: Final Thought - Peter Meechan
  • Solo C: Air - Peter Meechan
Scales and Arpeggios:
From memory, to be played both tongued and with legato tonguing in the following keys:
  • Bass clef: A major; C minor (a twelfth) F, F#, G majors; F, G minors (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: B major; D minor (a twelfth) G, Ab, A majors; G, A minors (two octaves)
Scales: in the above keys (minors in harmonic or melodic form at candidate’s choice)
Chromatic Scale:
  • Bass clef: starting on F (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: starting on G (two octaves)
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated.
Dominant Seventh:
  • All may be found in "Scales and Arpeggios for Trombone, Bass Trombone, Baritone and Euphonium Level 5 numbers 14, 16, 18, 22, 30 or 31, 54 or 55, 64 or 65, 89, 116, 118, 120, 124, 131, 143, 148, 167)
  • Recommended tempos:
    • quarter note = 72 for major and minor scales, chromatic scales, whole-tone scales, dominant and diminished sevenths.
    • eighth note = 104 for major and minor arpeggios
Ready to level up?
Information on how to submit your Level Up video is in your learning management system
You will need to purchase or download the following books:
Solos for Level 5 Evaluation
  • Solo A: A Canzona - John Frith
  • Solo B: Final Thought - Peter Meechan
  • Solo C: Air - Peter Meechan
Additional Materials
Repeat and practice these lessons as many times as you wish. You may think of many of these videos as ‘work-out’ sessions – rather than lessons that you need to check off. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc.
Ensure to log the sessions and time you spend practicing in your journal for credit toward your five hours of practice with your instrument and five hours of other sessions from the video library
Practice Session 1
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo A: Chanson du Toreador - Georges Bizet/Mowat or Little Overture No. 1 - Philip Sparke
Practice Session 2 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo B: Chicago Blues: No. 5 - Philip Sparke
Practice Session 3 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo C: Allegro No. 5 or Andante cantabile No. 13 - from Melodious Etudes for Trombone - Marco Bordognia/Joannes Rochut
Practice Session 4 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • A comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 5 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 6 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab or any of the session links to begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
  • Suggested Apps
    • TonalEnergy Tuner and Metronome This app can listen to your instrument and let you know what pitch you are playing. It will also provide a metronome sound to help you practice your scales and other exercises.
    • Speedshifter This app is a practice tool from ABRSM that allows you to vary the speed of audio without altering the pitch. It is helpful in practicing solo material that has accompaniment at slower speeds.
To progress to level 7, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Solo A:
  • Option 1: Chanson du Toreador from Savoir Faire for Trombone/Euphonium - Georges Bizet/Mowat. Purchase the book here.
  • Option 2: Little Overture: No. 1 from Super Solos for Trombone - Philip Sparke Purchase the book here.
Solo B:
  • Chicago Blues No. 5 from Super Solos for Trombone - Philip Sparke. Purchase the book here.
Solo C:
  • Option 1: Andante cantabile No. 13 from Melodious Etudes for Trombone - Marco Bordogni/Joannes Rochut. Purchase the book here.
  • Option 2: Allegro No. 5 from Melodious Etudes for Trombone - Marco Bordogni/Joannes Rochut. Purchase the book here.
Scales and Arpeggios:
From memory, to be played both tongued and with legato tonguing in the following keys:
  • Bass clef: Bb, C majors; Bb, C# minors (a twelfth)
  • E, Ab majors; F# minor (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: C, D majors; C, Eb minors (a twelfth) F#, Bb majors; G# minor (two octaves)
Scales: in the above keys (minors in harmonic or melodic forms)
Chromatic Scales:
  • Bass clef: starting on G and Ab (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: starting on A and Bb (two octaves)
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated.
Dominant Seventh:
  • Bass clef: in the key of C (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: in the key of D (two octaves)
Diminished Seventh:
All may be found in "Scales and Arpeggios for Trombone, Bass Trombone, Baritone and Euphonium Level 6 numbers may be found on page 9
  • Recommended tempos:
    • quarter note = 96 for major and minor scales, chromatic scales, whole-tone scales, dominant and diminished sevenths.
    • dotted quarter note = 46 for major and minor arpeggios
Solos for Level 6 Evaluation
Solo A:
Solo B:
Solo C:
Additional Materials
Repeat and practice these lessons as many times as you wish. You may think of many of these videos as ‘work-out’ sessions – rather than lessons that you need to check off. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc.
Ensure to log the sessions and time you spend practicing in your journal for credit toward your five hours of practice with your instrument and five hours of other sessions from the video library
Practice Session 1 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo A: Pavane pour une infante défunte - Maurice Ravel/Mowat
Practice Session 2 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Option 1 - Solo B: Andante sostenuto: 2nd mvt. from Sonatine for Trombone - Jaques Castérède
  • Option 2 - Solo B: Hills (no improvisation): 2nd mvt. Suite for Trombone - Jiggs Whigham
Practice Session 3 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo C: Andantino con moto No. 9 from Melodious Etudes for Trombone - from Melodious Etudes for Trombone - Marco Bordognia/Joannes
Practice Session 4 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • Comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 5 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 6 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab or any of the session links to begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
  • Suggested Apps
    • TonalEnergy Tuner and Metronome This app can listen to your instrument and let you know what pitch you are playing. It will also provide a metronome sound to help you practice your scales and other exercises.
    • Speedshifter This app is a practice tool from ABRSM that allows you to vary the speed of audio without altering the pitch. It is helpful in practicing solo material that has accompaniment at slower speeds.
To progress to level 8, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Scales and Arpeggios:
From memory, to be played both tongued and with legato tonguing in the following keys:
  • Bass clef: B, C, Db, D, Eb majors; B, C, C#, D, Eb minors (a twelfth)
  • All other keys, major and minor (two octaves)
  • Db, D, Eb, E, F majors; C#, D, Eb, E, F minors (a twelfth)
  • All other keys, major and minor (two octaves)
Scales: in the above keys (minors in harmonic or melodic forms)
Chromatic Scales:
  • Bass clef: starting on any note E–Bb (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: starting on any note F#–C (two octaves)
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated.
Dominant Seventh:
  • Bass clef: in the keys of B and Db (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: in the keys of Db and Eb (two octaves)
Diminished Seventh:
All may be found in "Scales and Arpeggios for Trombone, Bass Trombone, Baritone and Euphonium numbers may be found on page 9
  • Recommended tempos:
    • quarter note = 108 for major and minor scales, chromatic scales, whole-tone scales, dominant and diminished sevenths.
    • dotted quarter note = 56 for major and minor arpeggios
Repeat and practice these lessons as many times as you wish. You may think of many of these videos as ‘work-out’ sessions – rather than lessons that you need to check off. Most musicians practice their fundamentals every day; breathing exercises, mouthpiece buzzing, sound, flexibility studies, scales, etc.
Ensure to log the sessions and time you spend practicing in your journal for credit toward your five hours of practice with your instrument and five hours of other sessions from the video library
Practice Session 1 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo A: Solo A: Marcia funebre (Andante) or Allegro maestoso: 2nd or 3rd mvt. from Trombone concerto No. 4 -r - Ferdinand David
Practice Session 2 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo B: Option 1: Allegro vivo: 1st mvt. from Sonatine for Trombone - Jaques Castérède
  • Solo B: Option 2: Steve and fast Swing: 4th and 5th mvts. Suite for Trombone - Jiggs Whigham
Practice Session 3 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios
  • Solo C: Option 1: Allegro No. 44 from Melodious Etudes for Trombone Marco Bordognia/Joannes
  • Solo C: Option 2: Allegro moderato No. 55 from Melodious Etudes for Trombon Marco Bordognia/Joannes Rochut
Practice Session 4 (30 Min)
You will practice:
  • Comprehensive warm-up and technical exercises
Practice Session 5 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories:
    • Breathing
    • Mouthpiece Buzzing
    • Long Tones
Practice Session 6 (30 Min)
You will:
  • Choose your own warm-up and technique videos from 'focused practice sessions' library in the following categories
    • Articulation
    • Flexibility
    • Range
Note: Select the 'Practice Sessions' tab or any of the session links to begin practicing.
Tools you will need:
  • Your Instrument
  • Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone (able to access the following features in this course)
    • Slide Position Chart
    • Tuner
    • Metronome
    • Self-view video setting from device camera (for recording video and self-assessment)
  • Music Stand
  • Chair (unless you prefer to stand)
  • A practice space in your home, or practice room at school, or another place where you can work without interruptions
  • Suggested Apps
    • TonalEnergy Tuner and Metronome This app can listen to your instrument and let you know what pitch you are playing. It will also provide a metronome sound to help you practice your scales and other exercises.
    • Speedshifter This app is a practice tool from ABRSM that allows you to vary the speed of audio without altering the pitch. It is helpful in practicing solo material that has accompaniment at slower speeds.
In level 8, you will need to show proficiency on the following pieces and scales:
Solo A:
Solo B:
Solo C:
Scales and Arpeggios:
From memory, to be played both tongued and with legato tonguing in the following keys:
  • Bass clef: B, C, Db, D, Eb majors; B, C, C#, D, Eb minors (a twelfth)
  • All other keys, major and minor (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: Db, D, Eb, E, F majors; C#, D, Eb, E, F minors (a twelfth) All other keys, major and minor (two octaves)
Scales: in the above keys (minors in harmonic or melodic forms)
Chromatic Scales:
  • Bass clef: starting on any note E–Bb (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: starting on any note F#–C (two octaves)
Whole-Tone Scales:
  • Bass clef: starting on A and Bb (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: starting on B and C (two octaves)
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated.
Dominant Seventh:
  • Bass clef: in the keys of A, Bb, B, C, Db, D and Eb (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: in the keys of B, C, Db, D, Eb, E and F (two octaves)
Diminished Seventh:
  • Bass clef: starting on G, Ab and A (two octaves)
  • Treble clef: starting on A, Bb and B (two octaves)
Recommended tempos:
  • quarter note = 120 for major and minor scales, chromatic scales, whole-tone scales, dominant and diminished sevenths.
  • dotted quarter note = 60 for major and minor arpeggios